This is a gentle reminder that we’ve entered Lyme season.
With the warm weather picking up, a lot of us are spending more time outdoors and that means we need to be careful about ticks. Read on to learn how to gear up on your prevention practices.
Tick Repellent
Not all repellents are equal. We recommend Tick Tock Naturals spray, which is a DEET-free organic insect repellent made with lemongrass oil, thyme oil, rosemary oil, and eugenol. After putting on your sunscreen, spray some of this onto your neck, ankles, and anywhere you want to protect. Be sure to spray away from your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Dress Appropriately
Long sleeves, pants, and socks are the way to go when hiking or walking through brushy areas. Tucking your pant legs into those high socks is a great way to be extra careful that ticks can’t climb up the leg. Of course, if it’s too hot outside, opt for the high socks at the very minimum. Opt for light-colored clothing so that ticks stand out against it if they do get on you. Lastly, aim to wear closed-toe shoes when adventuring outdoors.
Tick Check
Once you’re finished with those beautiful hikes, make sure to do a thorough tick check afterwards on yourself, your children, AND your pets! Ask your veterinarian about tick prevention strategies for your furry friends. Be sure to also check your shoes before getting into the car or house–you don’t want to track any ticks inside.
Remove the tick immediately!
You did all the right things and took the necessary precautions. Yet you still find a tick on you. Get it off right away! The longer the tick latches onto the body, the higher the risk for disease transmission. Remember: once you remove the tick, do not throw it away. Put it in a small, sealable bag or container and send it in to get tested at Contact your healthcare provider to get screened for Lyme disease as soon as possible.
Check out Bug Bouncer by DesBio
DesBio’s homeopathic formula is aimed at reducing symptoms due to insect bites (i.e. itchiness, swelling, redness). You can take 1 to 10 drops under the tongue twice a day, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Call our supplement department to order.
Concerned about Lyme disease?
Our team of integrative practitioners is happy to help you screen for tick-borne illnesses, and the best foods and supplements to rebalance your system. You can fill out our symptom survey ahead of your visit. Call our office to find out more: 212-989-9828.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat or cure any disease.