Daily Benefit® Jumpstart to a healthier you!
The Daily Benefit® program gives your body a break from the potentially unhealthy foods you may consume on a regular basis. During this time your body can repair damaged cells, clean its vital systems, and clear the channels of elimination to let you feel your best.Why detox?
The modern world bombards us with thousands of chemicals every day. We are exposed to toxins in our food, water, and air--our whole living environment has become hazardous to our health. Harmful chemicals stored in the human body stress the organs responsible for filtering, eliminating and transporting toxins out of the body. When these organs become overwhelmed they either slow down or stop working properly. When our body’s systems aren’t functioning at an optimal level, it can cause improper digestion and poor elimination, which makes us feel tired and hold on to excess weight. You may already be experiencing signs and symptoms linked to excess exposure, which can include:
10-day or 30-day program? Take the Symptom Survey Now.

The Daily Benefit® Shake
The Daily Benefit® shake supplies the vitamins, minerals, medium-chain triglycerides, and antioxidants that are important building blocks necessary to improve liver detoxification. It’s a vegetable-based protein powder combining pea, artichoke, sprouted Amaranth, and sprouted quinoa to make a hypo-allergenic high-protein, low carb shake.
Get everything you need to make the Daily Benefit® Detox shake.

One-on-One Support
Our knowledgeable nutritionists are ready to help you succeed with the Daily Benefit® program.
Reasons to work with a nutritionist during the Daily Benefit® detox:
- They’ll work with to develop an individualized meal plan and recipes using foods you enjoy.
- They’ll identify restaurants and meal delivery options available in your neighborhood that comply with the program and work with your lifestyle and budget.
- You’ll have a dedicated nutrition expert who knows you, your health goals and your preferences to answer any questions you may have and help you fine-tune your program along the way.
- Regular check-ins with your dedicated nutritionist will keep you motivated, on-track toward your weight loss goals, and help you create a customized plan for long-term health after completing the Daily Benefit® program.
To set up an appointment with one of our nutritionists, call us at 212-989-9828 ext. 2 or email us at info@morrisonhealth.com.
Use our Grocery Guide to make easy and smart choices and try some of our recipes. Check our Crave Healthy Blog for tips on how to change your lifestyle and read success stories from people who have already made the shift.
More helpful tips:
The following information is based upon a published study in Integrative Medicine: A Clinicians Journal.
66% Improvement in Symptoms
After following the 30-day Daily Benefit® program, subjects recorded the following improvement on the Symptom Survey (MSQ).
Weight Loss
After following the 30-day Daily Benefit® program, subjects lost an average of 9 pounds, which compared favorably with conventional weight loss plans.
- Atkins: 9.7 pounds
- Weight Watchers: 6.3 pounds
- Slim-fast: 5.9 pounds