We are very happy to introduce one of our bloggers who is going to be writing with us, Dr. Deanna Attai. She is a native of New York City but operates The Center for Breast Care, Inc in Burbank, CA. After suffering illness from an unknown cause that traditional medicine could not pinpoint, she decided to change both her diet and lifestyle completely. She now follows a Gluten-Free diet and is an avid follower of health news and progressive thought, sharing her knowledge on Twitter, and now with all of us!
A note from Dr. Attai:
Hello! A little about me – I am a Breast Surgeon. That is not only my profession, but it defines much of me as well. I provide care to women (and men) with both benign and malignant breast disease. While I am a surgeon many breast conditions can be treated without an operation. My areas of interest include minimally invasive treatment, especially Cryoablation and Partial-Breast Irradiation. I was introduced to Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine when I developed a personal health condition that was actually worsened by traditional Western medicine and these disciplines remain an area of personal and professional fascination for me. I believe that we have a lot to learn from these ancient traditions, specifically regarding disease prevention and treatment.
I get a tremendous amount of satisfaction and enjoyment from teaching regardless of the circumstances – one-on-one with a patient, in front of large community groups, or with other physicians who are learning new techniques and procedures. I am also fortunate to be involved with the American Society of Breast Surgeons as a member of their Board of Directors. Involvement with this organization allows me to interact with some of the leaders in the field of Breast Surgery on a regular basis, which helps me stay current in my practice and recommendations.
In my spare time, I have started growing vegetables and some fruits in my backyard, and have found that without really trying, I am pretty good at it! I had a steady supply of kale, chard, and broccoli during the winter, and strawberries and blueberries this spring (blueberries are still going strong!). Still waiting for tomatoes, eggplant and sweet peppers but I was a little late getting the seeds in the ground – next year I’ll start them earlier. Thanks for reading! I am very excited to be writing with Morrison Health. More to follow soon!