Angela’s Ultra Detox Shake Recipe

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By Angela Yong and Stephanie Kurz

Angela’s Ultra Detox Shake Recipe


As The Morrison Center gears up for our Spring Daily Benefit® Detox Program, our supplement master, Angela Yong, shares her spin on the Daily Benefit® Detox Shake. She optimizes it with delicious flavors and additional nutrients:

  • Daily Benefit® Protein Powder – 2 scoops; provides energy and comprehensive nutritional support for liver detoxification
  • Glutamine Plus – 1 teaspoon; key ingredients glutamine, deglycyrrhizinated licorice and aloe vera soothe and heal the digestive tract
  • No. 7 Systemic Booster – 1 teaspoon; serves as a probiotic and antioxidant to support the whole body
  • Black sesame seeds – one teaspoon; rich in beneficial minerals, especially copper, manganese, calcium and magnesium, which support skin, bones, heart health, and may even protect against cancer
  • Liquid magnesium (Patients Only) – 20 drops; supports muscle function and prevents muscle cramping
  • Liquid multi-mineral – ½ teaspoon; supports pH balance and muscle function
  • Organic frozen berries – ½ cup; provides flavor and antioxidants
  • Mixed nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts) – ½ handful; gives a nice texture you can almost chew

In addition to Angela’s recipe, you can find more flavor variations for the Daily Benefit® Detox Shake here.

How do you spice up your shake?