What is Daily Benefit®?
Harmful chemicals stored in the human body stress the organs responsible for filtering, eliminating and transporting toxins out of the body. When these organs become overwhelmed they either slow down or stop working properly. When our body’s systems aren’t functioning at an optimal level, it can cause improper digestion and poor elimination, which makes us feel tired and hold on to excess weight.
Daily Benefit® helps your body detoxify itself naturally. It combines an elimination-diet meal plan with a nutrient-dense detox protein shake and supportive supplemental nutrients. It gives your body a break from the potentially unhealthy foods you consume on a regular basis. During this time, your body can repair damaged cells, clean its vital systems and clear the channels of elimination. This process also jumpstarts your metabolism.
Elimination-diet meal plan
We offer two program options: a 10-day and a 30-day program. Your score on the Symptom Survey will determine which program is right for you. If your score is low, you can start with the 10-day program. If it is moderate or high, we recommend the 30-day program.
- Grains (corn, wheat, oats, rye, spelt)
- Grain-fed red meat
- Nightshade vegetables (tomato, white potato, eggplant, peppers)
- Dairy products
- Soy products
- Nuts and seeds
- High sugar fruits (bananas, grapes, oranges)
- All vinegars (except apple cider vinegar and coconut vinegar)
- Coffee
- Tobacco
- Alcohol (particularly beer and wine)
Staying Healthy
Once you have successfully completed the program you may slowly reintroduce foods into your diet. Add items one at a time every 3 days so you can gauge which foods cause symptoms to return. If you have no reaction to the food just introduced then you may introduce another food.
Be sure to eliminate any foods that cause symptoms to return. For example, if you start drinking milk again and notice you have digestive gas, bloating or excess mucus, those symptoms indicate a sensitivity to milk. You should therefore continue to avoid milk.
Remember, this as an opportunity to transition to a healthy lifestyle modification so some foods will not return as part of your regular diet. Think of it as a way to maintain your good health for the rest of your life.

What’s in the Daily Benefit® Protein?

What to expect?
Lose weight
Reverse illness
Increase energy
Reduce brain fog
Develop an improved sense of well-being
Create a new healthy lifestyle with lasting results
Tell others about your success!